Fruita United Methodist Church

Welcome to Fruita United Methodist Christian Community!

Methodist Men’s Breakfast

Calling all MEN. REAL men (and sometimes REAL women) gather for breakfast on the Third Saturday of the Month at 8:00 AM in the Fellowship Hall. We’ll have “good food and great fellowship!”

Wednesday Morning Coffee

Join Pastor Katie for Coffee on Wednesdays!

Worship Volunteers

You can volunteer to be a part of worship! You can welcome people to worship as a greeter, help collect the offering and guide communion as an usher or read the scriptures and call to worship as a liturgist. You can sign-up online and find more information here on the church’s page.

We are a ministry that welcomes Everyone! (CLICK HERE FOR MORE)

“Our Motto: Fruita UMC is a church of Open Hearts, Open Minds and Open Doors. Our Mission: We are a community of believers, doubters, and seekers who – while socially, politically, and theologically diverse – are one in the living Body of Christ. We provide safe space for people to experience divine wholeness and well-being through the compassionate teachings of Jesus. Our faith is deeply rooted in the Methodist tradition of personal and social transformation. We welcome and celebrate people of all ages, races, sexes, genders, sexual orientations, physical conditions, ethnicities, and economic backgrounds. We follow the way of Jesus Christ – loving God by loving ourselves and our neighbors and offering loving-kindness to a world that needs it. We live-out John Wesley’s calling to “do all the good we can, by all the means we can, in all the ways we can, in all the places we can, at all the times we can, to all the people we can, as long as ever we can!”

We believe that the Christian Faith (following the way, teachings, and example of Jesus), when practiced well, leads us to experience God’s love and God providing us with wholeness, well-being, and the ability to live lives of justice, mercy, and unconditional love. We know religion often gets it wrong. And we know the pain church has caused so many for so long. But here at Fruita UMC, we believe Love wins. And we believe that a group of seekers committed to exploring faith and justice makes a needed difference in our lives and in the world.

Single? Divorced? Married? It’s complicated? ~ We are all family together.
Liberal? Conservative? Other? ~ We are all giving & serving together.
Doubt? Believe? Bit of both? ~ We are all learning & growing together.
Any race. Any culture. Any background. ~ We celebrate life and praise God together.
Come and be a part of something unique in the Fruita area!
Come see what God’s up to here!

One of the first Christian communities formed on the Western Slope of Colorado (1888), Fruita UMC is located in downtown Fruita, Colorado on E. Aspen Street. Our stately brick building with its lovely stained glass windows was built in 1908 – across Elm Street from the Civic Center/Park at 405 E. Aspen Ave. Church Phone: 970.858.3490

The Fruita United Methodist Church is a reconciling ministry that affirms that each person is of sacred worth, and welcomes everyone, without exception, to participate fully in the church’s life and ministry.

Pastor Katie is available by appointment:
For Pastoral Emergencies: Contact Pastor via information on Church Directory

Ministry Information:

Sunday morning worship Online

(Click here for more about our live streaming worship)

Our Sunday morning worship service is live-streamed via YouTube starting about 9:55 AM.
Click here for the link to our YouTube channel where you can also see all of our previous services. You do not need a subscription to watch our videos, although you will need to have or create an account if you want to “subscribe” to our channel.
You can also see our previous recordings or access the live stream via our Facebook page.

Reconciling Ministry Fruita UMC is a member of the national organization, Reconciling Ministries Network (RMN). We celebrate diversity by embracing people of all races, ages, cultures, religious backgrounds; marital, social, & economic statuses; physical/mental abilities; sexual orientations; and gender identities. We invite YOU to join us on this faith journey.  Everyone is worthy of God’s love and grace and full participation in the Church! Reconciling Ministries Network has many helpful resources on their website.

ADA (Building Accessibility Info)

Our 115 year old building is beautiful and presents a few challenges. Our sanctuary is located upstairs for worship. We have a ramp on the east side of the building that is wide enough for wheel-chair and walker use, accessed from Aspen Ave. There is also a single chair elevator lift next to the ramp on the east side of the building accessed by Aspen St. The lift requires a key, so assistance from a greeter will be required if you wish to use that. The bathroom located on the east side of the sanctuary is spacious but does not officially meet ADA requirements. The Fellowship Hall is located below ground level accessible by a ramp from the Northeast corner of the building. This ramp is a little steep and not ADA compliant.